Workers’ Compensation

Protection you need

Employers have a legal responsibility to make their workplace safe for employees. However, accidents happen even when reasonable safety measures are in place. Most states require employers to carry some form of workers’ compensation insurance to provide medical care and/or fixed monetary benefits for workers who are injured or become ill as a direct result of their jobs. Each state has different laws governing the amount and duration of lost-income benefits, the provision of medical and rehabilitation services and how the system is administered. Even in states where coverage isn't mandatory, certain industries can benefit from the protection.

Workers’ compensation is not health insurance and provides payments to injured workers, without regard to who was at fault, for time lost from work and for medical and rehabilitation services. It also provides death benefits to surviving spouses and dependents.

Experience modification projections

The lower your loss experience, the more favorable your workers’ compensation premium. Our risk advisors employ best-in-class technology that can forecast your projected costs based on current practices and claims history. Our analysis uncovers trends and business insights that reveal areas for safety improvements. Once we’ve identified a path forward, we can assist with training resources and program development.

Clients who are required to submit OSHA reports have access to our web-based recordkeeping application that streamlines and simplifies report preparation. Once an incident is recorded in the application, your Bukaty risk advisor will be notified and take action.

Pay-as-you-go solution

A pay-as-you-go solution allows you to pay your workers’ compensation premiums based on actual payroll figures for a particular payroll cycle. Instead of paying a lump sum at the beginning of a coverage period, employers who adopt a pay-as-you-go solution pay their premiums incrementally throughout the plan year. Payments to the workers’ compensation carrier are integrated with a payroll service, automating payments.

A pay-as-you-go solution also avoids surprises at the annual true-up audit. Employers with a traditional payment plan can learn they underestimated their annual premiums and receive a hefty amount-owed notice. Likewise, estimates could be higher than projected, and the business is refunded money at the end of the plan year that could have been better used for operational needs.

Your Bukaty risk advisor can identify differences in state workers' compensation requirements and help you implement practices to lower your workplace risks.