What’s new for 2022?

We have more to offer.

Bukaty Companies HR Consutling team helps with employee retention, recruitment and hiring, compliance and best practices, and training and development
What’s new for 2022?

Required notices employers often overlook.

Illustrated stressed woman sits before a stack of papers at her desk, signlaing the importance of employers staying on top of required notices

Let us handle back-burner projects

Employee handbooks

Handbooks are a vital line of communication between you and your employees, but handbooks take time and compliance expertise. We can review your existing handbook or develop one from scratch. To help you out of the starting gate, we offer employee handbook seminars throughout the year.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) compliance

The Act’s extensive regulations and paperwork are often difficult to manage. Our consultants can help you complete the paperwork for an FMLA request or consult on the validity of the leave request. We then provide an FMLA checklist, so you never miss steps throughout the process.

Onsite investigations

Conducting internal investigations can be problematic when issues such as harassment, discrimination and bullying interfere with employee relations. Bukaty serves as an unbiased, outside source to investigate issues and concerns fairly. One of our HR consultants will interview the involved parties and witnesses to thoroughly examine the issue. Following a complete review, we make recommendations based on our findings.

Compensation studies

A compensation study, also known as a salary survey, determines if you have a logical and clear pay structure, while ensuring compensation meets market standards. Following our study, we present the results and offer suggestions for developing pay policies and pay grades to avoid pay discrimination. We can also compile data, design and administer total compensation statements, if requested.

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