Data Analytics

Understanding what fuels your health plan costs is fundamental to identifying opportunities for immediate and long-term savings. Claims and utilization reports provide a big-picture summary of plan performance and member utilization patterns. Our analysis digs deeper and uncovers what’s driving wasteful spending and inefficient health care consumption. With that degree of understanding, we can develop an actionable response that creates positive change.

Our data analytics team uses state-of-the art technology to examine your plan data under different lenses such as network discounts, utilization of quality, cost-efficient service providers, drug spend, gaps in care, emergency room and urgent care analysis, chronic kidney disease and ESRD analysis, most effective sites of care and more.

What’s new for 2022?

We provide insight into your data.

Graphic depicting a computer surrounded by analytic tool, representing the data analytics in employee benefits

Data analytics services

Actuarial services

Coverage limits
Claims & funding projections
IBNR valuations
COBRA rate calculations

Plan performance

Monthly reporting
Quarterly reviews
Reserve analysis
Stop-loss review


Industry and geographic peers
Plan design
Claims experience
Contribution costs
Overall cost

What’s new for 2022?

What can data reveal about your plan’s performance?

An illustration depicting data analytics tools, highlighting the significance of harnessing data for informed decision-making
Let’s talk benefits and your plan performance.